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3 candidate profiles

diplome osteopathe


(Direct admission to the first year)

Entry into the first year of the osteopathy program at IEOQ is open to:

  • Holders of a college diploma (regular or professional).
  • Holders of a bachelor’s degree in general education.
  • Individuals in career reorientation.
  • Individuals aged 18 and older, based on the evaluation of the application file.

Candidates must also:

  • Be Canadian citizens or permanent residents.*
  • Have a good command of the French language (language of instruction).

Admission Process: Evaluation of the application file + motivational interview

diplome osteopathe


(Parallel admission)

Admission to the osteopathy program is open to individuals holding a diploma in massage therapy, physiotherapy, naturopathy, naturotherapy, orthotherapy, kinesiotherapy, kinesiology, nursing, etc.

These candidates join existing cohorts and benefit from a personalized arrangement based on their previous studies. Certain courses are automatically credited upon review of your file.

This helps reduce your time spent at the school, allowing you to maintain a professional activity parallel to your osteopathic training.

Admission Process: Review of the application file + assessment of previous academic background + motivational interview

diplome osteopathe


Osteopathy students who have completed part of their curriculum at another school can continue their education at the Quebec Osteopathy Teaching Institute. We invite you to contact us at 514 524-9738.

An individual interview and a review of your academic record (program from the initial school, exam grades, etc.) will help organize your transfer under the best conditions.

Admission Process: Review of the application file + assessment of osteopathy courses taken and grades obtained + motivational interview

*Since June 1, 2017, Immigration Canada no longer issues study permits to foreign students admitted or enrolled in an educational institution not recognized by the Ministry of Education of Quebec. Therefore, osteopathy schools can no longer accept such applications.