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International Student Mobility Program Abroad

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The International Student Mobility Program Abroad, created in 2020 by IEOQ and IO Rennes-Bretagne, aims to develop the exchange of skills and collaboration between the two institutions. This partnership, the first of its kind between France and Quebec, offers students opportunities for teaching and research activities in osteopathy.

IEOQ is committed to supporting its students in the development of their vision and osteopathic practice, based on high international standards.

Our academic partner in France : l’Institut d’Ostéopathie de Rennes-Bretagne

The Institut d’Ostéopathie de Rennes-Bretagne (IO-RB) trains osteopaths through a five-year program of excellence. With its osteopathy research unit and international department, IO-RB participates in numerous research projects by collaborating, through scientific and professional publications, with researchers from various international research institutions (Haute Ecole de Santé de Fribourg – Switzerland, Fondation COME Collaboration – Italy, University College of Osteopathy – England, etc.). IO-RB also offers its final-year students an internship each year in the rehabilitation department of the public Mother-Child hospital in Da Nang, Vietnam.

For more information, visit the IO-RB website.

Objectives of the International Program

The International Student Mobility Program Abroad, implemented in the fall of 2021, is limited and intended for selected graduates from both schools.

Le Programme international se déploie autour des axes suivants :

Réalisation de stages de courte durée comprenant des activités de formation, de la pratique clinique et des visites touristiques.
Organisation de conférences, colloques et autres événements de formation, à destination des étudiants et des enseignants ; collaboration des équipes de chaque établissement dans le cadre de projets de recherche en ostéopathie.