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The Institut d’Enseignement de l’Ostéopathie du Québec offers different osteopathy curriculum options to adapt to your expectations and constraints.

3 Curriculum options


  1. Full-time curriculum in 4 years (including the thesis)
  2. Full-time curriculum in 4 years + 1 additional year for the thesis
  3. Part-time curriculum in 7 years

Regardless of the option chosen by the student, the total number of course hours remains the same. There is also a winter intake in January for the first year.



Full-time curriculum in 4 years

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4
Classroom courses (theory and practice)
    Training clinic
      Osteopathic Internship (O.I.)
  • The 4-year curriculum is the classic format of the osteopathy program at the Institut d’Enseignement de l’Ostéopathie du Québec.
  • In the 3rd and 4th years, students practice within the school’s clinic, under the supervision of a qualified osteopath.
  • Upon completion of the 3rd year, students attain the status of Osteopathic Intern (O.I.), allowing them to practice osteopathy outside the school.
  • The thesis is written during the 4th year.



Full-time curriculum in 4 years + 1 year for the thesis

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5
Classroom courses (theory and practice)  
    Training clinic  
      Osteopathic Internship (O.I.)
  • In the 5-year curriculum, all theoretical and practical courses, as well as clinic hours, are completed during the first 4 years.
  • The 5th year is exclusively dedicated to writing the thesis.

Part-time curriculum in 7 years

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7
Classroom courses (theory and practice)
        Training clinic
          Osteopathic Internship (O.I.)
  • The part-time initial training is based on a schedule of 2 days of classes per week.

Schedule an appointment

Click here to meet individually with an educational representative from IEOQ who will introduce you to the osteopath profession, our school, and our full-time training.